Green Boiler Technology Explained

Many of you reading this will be familiar with boilers and boiler technology in general – after all, you’ve probably got one at your house. What you may not be as familiar with however is green boiler technology. Over the last twenty years or so there’s been a definite concerted push towards using cleaner, more efficient boilers in our homes that are better for the environment – and today green boiler technology has advanced to the point where it can be upscaled to provide commercial heating, and used to heat entire business premises.

Repairman performing commercial gas maintenance on a radiator

Why We Need Green Boiler Technology

Since the creation of the first boilers, energy consumption has increased and with it, so has boiler fuel consumption (be it gas, oil, or electricity). Alongside that additional fuel use comes an increase in emissions that are harmful to the environment. As we have become more aware of the harm these emissions are doing to the air we breathe and the planet we live on the need for more eco-friendly boilers has become more evident, and green boiler technology developed as a result.

Traditional boilers will turn on and off as they need to in order to meet your business’ demand for heating or hot water. However, depending on the flow rate and number of appliances they’re feeding, traditionally-fuelled boilers can consume a huge amount of energy. The primary focus of green boiler technology is on saving energy and water, and reducing CO2 emissions – all by being more efficient.

What Concerns Might Businesses Have Around Green Boiler Technology?

People who choose to make the switch to a green boiler are sometimes concerned that their new ‘green’ boilers may not necessarily work as well as more traditional boiler systems. Central heating efficiency can be affected by water hardness and lime content in the water, so sometimes it is recommended to install filters to deal with this – however, this is a concern based around the water used in the boiler and not the green boiler technology itself.

There are also costs associated with the installation of a green boiler that may not be required with a more traditional boiler. These extra costs will need to be factored into a business’ initial investment in the technology, and may impact how feasible it is for you – but there is an upside to these costs that we’ll get into in more detail next.

The Benefits of Green Boiler Technology For Businesses

The technological advances that green boiler technology showcases and takes advantage of make these boilers more efficient – and as a result may well offset these costs and actually save you more money in the long run by reducing your energy bills. As a result of the scale and manner in which it is now being used on a widespread scale, the advantages being touted for installing green boiler technology could include a savings of up to 40% on gas and 20% on electricity.

Another benefit is that modern eco-friendly boilers burn ‘cleaner’ than boilers using traditional fuels, which results in less harmful emissions being released into the atmosphere.

The Current Popularity of Green Boiler Technology

Commercial green boiler technology is gaining in popularity and could become the standard method of providing commercial heating in the future, but because of some of the innovative technologies green boilers use, there is still a limited number of eco-friendly boilers being manufactured. This kind of holdup might slow the widespread adoption of green boiler technology, but we don’t believe it will stop it.


Is A Green Boiler the Right Move for my Business?

Unfortunately that largely depends on the individual circumstances of that business. Adapt Gas can advise based upon our knowledge of the commercial heating industry, but ultimately each business simply has to evaluate their own situation and make the decision they feel is right for them.

4 connected gas tanks leading towards the camera on stable pressure

How Adapt Gas Solutions Can Help

The professionals here at Adapt Gas solutions are involved in the clean heating business as we have experience with biomass heating systems. Our experience with more ‘traditional’ heating systems and the fact that we work in the commercial heating sector means that we understand the interplay between efficiency and affordability well too, and from a business standpoint. So, as mentioned above we are in a good place to advise on the question of adopting green boiler technology, and what your options might be.

To get in touch with our team and discuss your business’ unique set of circumstances, just click the ‘contact us’ button below, or send us a message via Facebook!

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