Free Gas Site Survey

A gas site survey is an important piece of best practice when working on a new gas project, and something that should be carried out by a qualified commercial gas engineer. This survey helps the professionals who will be working on your project understand which solutions will actually be feasible for implementation and which are likely to work best in your unique circumstances. What’s more, when you choose Adapt Gas the expert insight our commercial gas engineers provide on a site survey – as well as the survey itself – is 100% FREE!

We do get a few common questions regarding this free gas site survey – particularly from clients who haven’t made changes or additions to their existing gas system before – and we completely understand why these questions get asked. That’s why, in an effort to make it easier for you to get the information you need, we’ve answered the three most common questions below:

a bolt being tightened into a steel pipe that goes out away from the camera

What is a Site Survey?

A site survey is essentially a visit made by a commercial gas engineer to a given location such as a construction site or business premises, in order to understand how gas is (or could be) supplied to that location. As mentioned above, gas site surveys are usually carried out prior to the installation of new appliances or expansion of the on-site gas plumbing, but they can also be carried out periodically.

Why do I Need a Site Survey?

Again as we’ve mentioned above, a site survey is a key part of best practice when working on a new gas project. The insight offered by a commercial gas engineer at this stage can be extremely valuable, and help a business ensure that their new gas installation work is carried out safely, and that the new appliance is safe to use when the work is complete.

It’s not just about safety though. Understanding the realities of the location where work is to be carried out – what can and can’t realistically be changed, what needs to be ‘worked around’ etc. – can help a commercial gas engineer find and suggest the most efficient ways to effect new installations. This approach can also uncover areas where your current gas provision infrastructure could be made more efficient, saving you time and money in the long run too!


4 connected gas tanks leading towards the camera on stable pressure
A commercial gas engineer writing down their findings during a gas site survey

What Happens When I Call Adapt Gas Out to Perform A Site Survey?

The first step is to book your survey with one of our commercial gas engineers. Once the arranged appointment comes around, our engineer will arrive at your site in good time and tour the location in detail. Of course they’ll be paying special attention to any existing gas infrastructure – its physical location, pipe routing, and general condition etc. – but they’ll also be ‘taking everything in’ in general too – looking for anything that’s not as it should be, or any possible opportunity to improve your current setup.

As they piece together their understanding of the location they may have some questions for you, and if you have any technical drawings or plans (especially of your gas system) then our engineer may ask to see them in order to help their understanding and assessment of your site. Once the site survey is complete then your Adapt Gas commercial gas engineer will report back on their findings.

Their report will include things that need to be done from a safety standpoint (for example, any fixtures and fittings in need of repair or replacement) and any potential opportunities they’ve spotted where your existing infrastructure could be made more efficient (e.g. routing plumbing a different way, or the use of newer, more modern appliances or fittings). Once this report is delivered, then the gas site survey is considered complete.

To book your FREE site survey with a qualified commercial gas engineer from Adapt Gas Solutions, simply get in touch with us today using the details you’ll find on our ‘Contact Us’ page!

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